wheat allergySuffering from a wheat allergy? We share your frustration, but the team at Test My Allergy are always looking to help you out. Firstly, we help you to understand what exactly your wheat allergy is and how you can cope with it.

You may suffer an allergic reaction to all sorts of food which contain wheat. This can be caused by simply eating wheat, but there are other potential reasons, which we will go through with you.

Starting off, we do recommend removing wheat and any wheat-based products from your diet. It is the quickest and easiest way to get started, but it is also difficult as wheat is found in an assortment of foods, usually ones you don’t even suspect.

These cunning culprits are often the biggest cause of your symptoms, as you overindulge not realizing you are consuming something you are allergic to. Next time you do the groceries, have a look through the ingredients of the products you buy, and you will be (pleasantly) surprised.

Therefore, having a wheat allergy can be so difficult, especially as medication does not always work. Also, try not to confuse it with other conditions. Here, we give you some alternatives as to what you can have instead of wheat.

If you feel you cannot live without bread, some handy and healthy ingredients include Spelt, rye, buckwheat and rice. Alternative and acceptable flour products are Spelt, rye, buckwheat and potato if selected carefully.

Sound delicious? There are many alternative pasta products in the form of Red Lentil, Green Lentil, Chickpea, Buckwheat, Spelt and Rice. These products mean you can continue to enjoy ourselves whilst living a wheat-free life.

If you are still having questions about what to do with your wheat allergy and how to best to cope, head over to www.testmyallergy.com where our customer service team are always looking to give a helping hand.