Food intolerance USA

Food intolerances diagnosed

Summer is just around the corner which means we’re warming up the barbecues and baring as much skin as we dare. We all love a bit of al fresco dining, however for those of us who have a food intolerance, it can make eating with friends and family difficult.

Don’t worry – you can still enjoy the sunshine and the food – we’re sharing our top tips for enjoying a summer barbecue without the worry.


Identify your intolerances

The first step is to identify exactly what your intolerances are with an intolerance test with a simple test at home. At Test My Allergy, we use a sample of your hair to test against food and non-food items – we will then send you a full comprehensive report of your results, highlighting which items you are intolerant to. We then suggest an elimination diet to cut these foods out of your diet. We have a high satisfaction rate, with most of our customers seeing a difference in a matter of days!


Understand alternatives

Once you know what foods you’re intolerant to, you’ll know exactly which foods to avoid. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean you miss out on foods you really enjoy. However, you don’t have to miss out completely! There are so many alternatives to your favourite foods in supermarkets nowadays, so you can still enjoy bread even if you’re gluten-free, and you can still enjoy chocolate if you’re diary-free… rejoice!


Let everyone know

Make sure your friends and family know about your food intolerance – this means you can avoid any awkward ‘I can’t eat that’ situations at dinner parties, and they’ll be more than happy to help you find alternatives too. You can always offer to take along your own food. Here are some tasty barbecue foods you can enjoy with an intolerance-free twist!


Burgers, hot dogs and wraps

If you’re planning on enjoying these foods, then a few things you’ll need to watch out for is whether there are any herbs and spices within the meat – most shop-bought burgers will contain egg as a binding ingredient, and may also contain chilli and garlic to taste. Check the labels on the products you’re buying, and where possible, make your own burgers from home to avoid being exposed to anything you’re intolerant to. There will also be an issue with bread if you’re gluten or wheat intolerant – thankfully, most UK supermarkets will stock a gluten-free bread, alternatively, you could go bread-free and skip the calories!


Kebabs and skewers

Similar to the burger meat, you’ll need to ensure that any kebabs and skewers you’re eating haven’t been marinated in sauce which contains hidden ingredients that will trigger your symptoms. Once again, check ingredients on the back of packets and bring your own homemade skewers if possible.


Side dishes

Side dishes is where you can have a lot of fun in bringing your own – try a delicious salad with your own homemade salad dressing (a mixture of balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon), and pack it full of your favourite vegetables. You could even make your own dip such as houmous or pea and mint to dip your favourite veggies in to.

Whichever way you’re enjoying your summer, it’s always better to be prepared. An at-home intolerance test will help you understand your food intolerance or food sensitivity more, meaning you don’t have to miss out on any special occasions. Our friendly customer service team are available on Live Chat 24 hours a day, Monday – Friday to help you with any queries you may have.