Sneezing and itchy eyes. The two symptoms most commonly associated with an allergic reaction. For most people, their knowledge or experience of an allergy is likely hayfever. This condition is so common; most people can name the symptoms associated as they’ve either suffered them or are close to someone who does.

But allergies don’t stop at giving you a runny nose and crusty eyes. There are some symptoms you would never expect to associate with an allergy, but, for sufferers, they’re a genuine side effect with very real impacts.

Low Sex Drive

Yes. You read that right. The symptoms of allergy can severely impact your libido. Researchers at a Cleveland clinic found that people with seasonal allergies saw a significant decline in sexual function. It is believed that this may be down to one of two factors, medication impacting the central nervous system, which affects your ability to experience arousal or the cumulative effect of a group of some pretty unsexy symptoms. Either way, taking an allergy test can help you identify whether an allergy is keeping you from sharing a physical relationship with your partner.

Smelly Breath

An allergy can wreak havoc on your nasal passages, and blockages are incredibly common. When your sinuses are unable to clear themselves, bacteria is allowed to spread and propagate. This bacteria then fester and, coupled with the mouth-breathing caused by blockages, causes bad breath. The best way to avoid putting everyone off with your bad breath is to take an allergy test. We have several tailored to suit all budgets.

Brain Fog

brain fog allergy test

A group of researchers looked at test results in allergy season vs. the rest of the year and found a correlation with decreased test scores. Several things could cause brain fog. Histamine release from allergy could have an impact on your brain’s ability to perform at its best. Still, the effect of restricted breathing on sleep could also contribute to the feeling of an inability to focus or concentrate on even the simplest of tasks.

Bad Moods

Do you find yourself with a short temper during allergy season? Shouting at people over things that you would usually just let slide? It may be that you’re experiencing the effects of poor sleep caused by an allergy. When you have an allergic reaction, your nasal passages are restricted by inflammation. This means that your brain doesn’t receive the oxygen it needs to recover during sleep fully. A bad night’s sleep can have a significant negative impact on your mood, which can put strain on personal and working relationships. Taking an allergy test can help you avoid the substances that are ruining your mood.

Avoid All This And More With An Allergy Test

By taking an allergy test, you give yourself the knowledge you need to avoid these symptoms as well as the more commonly associated side effects. We have a range of allergy tests to suit all budgets.