test for food allergySummer is nearly here, and it will definitely sneak up on you! The sun shining only means one thing, and that means its nearly time for a BBQ! But whether you are just chucking some chicken on the grill, blaring out music or hosting a big family party, it should be a fun-filled time! BUT, if you do have a food allergy or a sensitivity, then this can always make things a little bit trickier.

Therefore, we have put together some exciting top tips to guarantee that your family BBQ or birthday party does NOT end up with a trip to the Emergency Room due to food allergy:

1. Clean, Clean, and Clean again

The first thing that you need to consider before you chuck food on the BBQ is to make sure that you have cleaned all the residue from your grill. This helps to guarantee that any potential food allergens that have potentially been cooked on the grill in the past has been wiped away, and the chances of an allergic reaction are minimalized. Remember though, you should make sure you clean the BBQ lid, as this will help to avoid any of the remaining foods that might have been dripping onto your cooking food. 

2. Bring your own beers and burgers

You have to be prepared if you have a food allergy as if you are visiting a friends party or a trip, then it is important that you take precautions. Don’t worry though, there are always options that you can take up! You can bring your own food, and don’t be embarrassed, just let the host know beforehand as they will always be happy to cater to your needs. They should help you to accommodate your allergies and intolerances, and it is never a bad thing if someone knows what to do should you struggle from any symptoms or reactions! Remember, we cannot emphasize enough: you can bring your own food, don’t be embarrassed. Just let the host know beforehand, they won’t mind – they will want to help and accommodate you.

3. Read carefully

You should read the ingredients carefully, and make sure that you have taken into account any seasonings and sauces which are often chosen to marinate products at the BBQ. This is because a lot of sauces contain hidden allergens, so you should always make sure you read the label carefully. If you do look suspicious, and here is a tip for you to follow: you can securely wrap your portion of the food in tin foil to prevent cross-contamination.

4. Inform the host

So, if you are visiting a friends or family’s house for a summer BBQ, you have to make sure you let the host know of any food allergy or food intolerances that you are suffering from. At Test My Allergy, we know that no-one wants their party to end in one of their guests having to take a trip to the hospital as you seek help for your food allergy reactions.

5. Learn your limits

If you do have a food allergy or food intolerance, then you need to learn what you can tolerate and of what. You HAVE to make sure that you do not overindulge on any foods, but in the case of food allergy, make sure you do not go anywhere near them! If you do suspect that you have food allergy, then we do recommend that you consult a doctor to discuss your symptoms.

Another way that you can ensure you avoid any problems is to eat before you go. Then, at the party all you need to worry about is enjoying an ice-cold beverage!

If you are worried that you may have a food intolerance, identify your offending foods now with Test My Allergy. Happy Barbequing!