Food intolerances are incredibly common and can have subtle, yet negative impacts on your day to day life. Often you will be experiencing the symptoms of food intolerances and not even realize it. It is tempting to write off brain fog, diarrhea, and bloating as facts of life that just happen sometimes. This isn’t the case. An intolerance test can help you identify the foods that are negatively impacting your day and empower you with the information you need to complete a life-changing elimination diet.


So, how do you know whether you’re potentially living with food intolerance? Maybe part of this day sounds familiar to you…

Waking Up

So you’ve woken up tired, again. You drag yourself out of bed, bleary-eyed, and into the bathroom, barely acknowledging your partner lying next to you. You’re just too tired to talk at this time in the morning. Having snoozed your alarm 32 times, you’ve left yourself very little time to get ready, so you run the brush through your messy mane and get it down to the point of a bit scruffy, and its straight to the car. No time for breakfast, even though you’re ravenous. You arrive at work with no recollection of the journey bar that moment you nearly knocked a cyclist off their bike. That was close. If only you weren’t so tired ALL THE TIME.


The effect of food intolerances

That feeling of fatigue even after a solid night’s sleep is a common side effect of food intolerance. The distress caused to the digestive system by the consumption of food you’re intolerance to requires a lot of energy and contributes to fatigue. Food intolerances can also cause inflammation of the nasal passages, which means that your brain isn’t getting the requisite amount of oxygen it needs to recover during sleep. This also causes extreme fatigue.

Morning food intolerances tired

3 meetings, 2 interviews, and an end of month report to file. It’s going to be one of those days. You need to be super productive today, and yet you’re sat zoned out staring at the computer screen. Right. Focus. Except you can’t. You’re actively reading the words on the screen, but they just won’t go in and lead to action. The four cups of coffee aren’t helping. Okay, it’s time for a meeting, maybe some time away from the screen will help. 

“So, what do you think? Is this achievable?” your boss asks, mid-meeting.

But you don’t know, you zoned out again. Why can you never seem to focus on the task at hand?

The effect of food intolerances  

What you’re suffering with here is brain fog. This condition is described as a lack of mental clarity or the ability to focus. It can have a severe impact on your ability to carry out the simplest of tasks. Food intolerances have been shown to cause brain fog. Taking a food intolerance test enables you to remove the foods fogging up your life.


WHAT A MORNING. You’ve managed to muddle your way through the morning and put off a few tasks to later in the week. Now its time to FINALLY grab some food, and you’ve packed one of your absolute favorite meals from the night before. You shovel it down. It was as good as always. But you get that familiar feeling. Not again. The 100-meter dash to the bathroom is on. Diarrhea strikes again. You mustn’t have heated it thoroughly enough? But you nuked it to within an inch of its life, you just don’t get it.

he effect of food intolerances  

Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects of food intolerances. As your digestive system is directly involved in the processing of the potential intolerance item, it makes sense that it is the most immediately impacted. To combat what it determines as a potential threat, your bowels evacuate the food you’ve just eaten as quickly as possible.


Okay, so you managed to get through the morning (admittedly without much productivity) now to seize what is left of the day and make a run at the remaining tasks. Start, programs, Word. A blank document opens up. Wow, that screen is white. And really bright. It’s kind of making your head hurt. In fact, your head is really hurting now. Just what you need; a splitting headache. Great. That’s your day completely written off. You make your excuses and head home.

The effect of food intolerances 

Headaches are a very common side effect of food intolerance. This is thought to be due to the impact that food intolerances have on sleep and stress levels. Eliminating problem foods can help relieve the headaches impacting your day.


What a day. It wasn’t far off a disaster, but now you’re home and can unwind. Except all you can think of is the wasted day that’s just gone by. You now have twice the work to do tomorrow, and your boss is on your back. Your partner tries to make conversation, but you’re just not in the mood. Time for bed, another night of pointless sleep.


The effect of food intolerances  

Stress is incredibly common in people living with food intolerance. As well as a direct link between food intolerance and stress, the cumulative impact of the various effects you’re living with can cause significant stress of their own.


 Its time to take back control of your life from food intolerances. Take a food intolerance test today.