Don't let food intolerances ruin your summer with Test My Allergy

Summer has arrived here in the U.S. Everybody has been looking forward to the summer of 2019 for ages! That is, unless, you suffer from food intolerances. There are many events and days that people are looking forward to, including BBQ’s, but if people are suffering from food intolerances then they have to prepare for them in a different way to others. If you are suffering from food intolerances which are dampening your spirit, then there are always solutions.

A food intolerance test can help you to identify your food intolerances and make sure you enjoy your Summer! A food intolerance test can help you dust yourself down and make sure you enjoy the summer! Put your headaches, bloated stomach and constant fatigue aside for your big event, and a food intolerance test will allow you to enjoy your intolerances.

Enjoying the summer can be tricky for some of us though, especially those wanting to throw some steaks on the grill or whip up a platter to get others salivating over their favorite foods. BUT, if you do not suffer from food intolerances it does not mean that everybody else doesn’t. If you are hosting a big event and cooking lots of food, make sure you are aware of all your guests’ intolerances and allergies. Intolerances are different from allergies, as allergies are life-threatening, but it does not mean you should take liberties. Prepare alternatives, and if it is you that are attending the event, make sure you let the host know of your food intolerances and allergies.

At Test My Allergy, we want you to be able to either attend or throw the perfect party and enjoy the summer. When National Burger Day comes around, unless you’ve got a meat intolerance, we want you to avoid any potential symptoms.  A party which guests will remember for the right reasons! Remember, if you are aware that someone attending has an allergy, then make sure there are absolutely no traces of that potential allergen. Remember to check the labels for seasonings and sauces, as this is something that could lead to awkward and sometimes dangerous symptoms.

Hopefully, we have started to ease your worries and you are now more aware of food intolerances and allergies. If you’ve taken a food intolerance test and are aware of your food allergy or intolerance, you should let people know! We don’t just want to guarantee you as the host to have the best time, but also as a guest. Preparation is key in order to ensure you enjoy your Summer.

Last of all, at Test My Allergy, we do recommend that you don’t overindulge on potential offending items. With your food intolerance test, you may still be able to tolerate certain amounts of foods, but this doesn’t mean you can be silly about it. See, don’t worry! There are plenty of solutions and ways to help you cope with having an allergy. It should never stop your social life.

If you are still worried though, head over to and make sure you have the best time at your next event!