food intolerances

It may be surprising for some, but a lot of your regular bodily irritations and annoyances could be rooted in your seemingly healthy diet. Experiencing mid-morning headaches? Your whole-grain toast could be the cause. Late afternoon stomach cramps? They could be down to your fibrous vegetarian dinner.

The difficulty in eating healthily is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all matter. What’s good for me, might be disastrous for someone else, and it’s all down to food sensitivities (or food intolerances).


Unexpected Food Intolerances

One aspect of a healthy diet is good fats. They’re highly important for hormone production, can keep you fuller for longer and are packed with vitamins and minerals. Nuts are a popular option for getting the right fats into your body, but they also happen to be among the most popular food people are sensitive to. This can result in cramps, boating or even hives.


Fast Moving Fiber

Getting plenty of fiber is also important for a healthy diet, and everyone agrees that fruits and vegetables have plenty of fiber, among other benefits. But there are two different types of fiber – soluble and insoluble – and some foods weighing in a lot more of one kind than the other. Broccoli is high in insoluble fiber, which is associated with diarrhea in those who are sensitive to it.


Whole Grains vs Bleached

Whole grains could be another culprit. Recommended by most dieticians, they offer a balance of fiber, protein and slowly digesting carbohydrates. They’re far more nutritious (and tastier) than their white counterparts, but the increase in protein also means an increase in that which causes reactions to those suffering from wheat or gluten food intolerances. Common symptoms of this include bloating, headaches and skin rashes.

It can feel like a minefield when trying to figure out what you should and shouldn’t eat, luckily Test My Allergy are here to make everything simpler for you. Instead of continuing to unknowingly eat foods that you may or may not be intolerant to, you can get a crystal-clear understanding of what your food intolerances are.