a pet sensitivity can be more prevalent in autumnWith Autumn on the horizon, you are likely going to have spend more time inside as the weather gets colder. Chilling with man’s best friend is not an issue for many of us, but it could be if you have a pet sensitivity. A Pet sensitivity is a type of sensitivity caused due to an exposure to pet hair, dander etc, and a person who is susceptible to such a condition starts exhibiting symptoms soon after being exposed to such pet allergens or upon direct contact with pets. Just like testing and medications, proper nutrition is important for avoiding or managing this problem as much as possible.

Dealing with your Pet Sensitivity

Good nutrition will not solve your pet sensitivity but could help you to manage it, and make you healthier in other areas. Vegetables and fruits are perfect for the entire body as these are filled with nutrients. There are other foods, which can be part of a good diet and can ensure good health and help your immune system from developing other potential sensitivities and allergies. Take a look below at just some of the foods which Test My Allergy believes are beneficial to improving your health.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are able to reduce inflammation, which is a common symptom arising after pet exposure, especially if you have a pet sensitivity. These fatty acids are present in seafood such as mackerel, salmon, tuna and more. Each week, you should opt for 2 – 3 servings of fish. A Japanese study proved that women who consumed more fish suffer from less hay fever also referred to as allergic rhinitis, a common symptom of pet sensitivity.

Local Honey

There are mixed results from research about local honey and its effectiveness in curing allergies. Taking a small amount of honey early on can help you to develop tolerance to pet dander, birch pollen and other minute particles. Studies have revealed that people who consume honey regularly develop better immunity, which helps their body to fight off diseases better.


This is a yogurt drink which is rich in probiotics – a type of bacteria that is beneficial and generally lives within the gut. Studies show that increasing the level of probiotics can help the body to prevent pet intolerance allergies and get alleviated from the same. Probiotics are present in fermented foods. These can be found in rich amounts in Kimchi and Sauerkraut. You should choose packaged yogurts with the label reading “live active cultures”.

Want to know more about the benefits of intolerance testing? 

If you would like to know more about the benefits of intolerance testing, then please do visit our website and chat with our customer service advisors on www.testmyallergy.com. If you suspect you may have an allergy then we recommend that you contact your doctor immediately.