pet intolerance
If you’ve recently discovered you have an allergy to your pet, you may immediately feel despair. But please do not worry, there are many solutions to still being able to snuggle with your beloved pet. Living with a pet allergy is irritating but there are many ways through it.

If you do have a pet allergy, then it is most likely that you have over-sensitive immune systems. Annoyingly, this will probably last a lifetime so do be careful when visiting people with new pets. Many people associate suffering from a pet allergy to giving a dog a hug or stroking a cat, but this isn’t necessarily the case.

In almost every household, a pet will get anywhere. Every pet owner will know this, with dogs and cats sleeping on almost every single piece of furniture. It is also not just pet hair, but pet dander and many other parts of your animal. It also isn’t just limited to cats and dogs, although these are the most popular.

You may at some point visit a new friend and they have a bird as a pet. Some people are allergic to birds and this can cause distress, and an allergic reaction, which nobody wants. There are many important lessons to learn when visiting a new household. Always be careful if you are aware that they have a pet that you are new to, as this can have a vital impact on your reaction to the pet.

Other alternatives include wearing a mask around pets. Although this isn’t always the first choice for many, it can make your life so much easier. There is always medication that can help and aid your allergy, but we would love to be able to cuddle and snuggle with our pets daily, and I suspect, so would they.

Ultimately, there are always ways around having a pet allergy, and if you would like further advice, head to and have a look around.