The modern world brings a lot of options, particularly to those who are looking at alternative ways of doing things. There is no better example of this than the options that are now available for getting an allergy test done. Back in the day, your options were to simply “wing it” with your food choices, or get stuck with a bunch of needles and see what popped up. Times have, thankfully, evolved, and now you can choose for yourself what the best allergy testing method is going to be. Since everyone is different, it makes sense that your own choice would be different, too, right?

The best allergy testing method

As was just introduced, everyone’s definition of “best” is a little bit different, but here are what are commonly considered to be the most comfortable, stress-free options for allergy testing, for all age groups.

  • Hair sample test: This is considered the best allergy testing method for those who are fearful of needles or faint at the sight of blood. This uses the hair (with its root) to test against a wide range of allergens and offer results. This is often the most preferred for infants and children as well since needles or pricks tend to be alarming
  • Blood sample test: A blood sample is another excellent option that can be preferred for those who want the in-depth analysis of the blood, but only a few tiny little nicks of the fingertips. This works by using tiny pricks of blood from the fingertips. The pricks heal almost instantly and can be mailed off to get results.
  • Skin prick test: This is the classic approach to allergy testing, but it is still a very good option. The needles don’t hurt much and feel just like a fingertip prick. The results will appear via swelling or welts on the arm, and the results are, as a result, gotten within half an hour, whereas blood or hair sample tests can take a few days.

How do I decide which one is best?

Determining which is the best allergy testing method is entirely a personal choice. If you don’t like the idea of blood, consider a hair sample test or skin prick test. If you need the results as quickly as possible, the skin prick test is most likely your best option. If you want to do the test and get the results from the comfort of your own home, the blood or hair sample test will be the way to go. It all comes down to priorities.

While it’s true that having options is great, it also can mean that you need to take a moment actually pick which of the options is going to be best for you. This information should be helpful in choosing the right testing method for you as an individual. The good news is that there is no wrong choice to make, other than not to choose at all, so take a moment to consider your options and use the method that is most comfortable for you.