allergy testingAllergy testing is important, this cannot be emphasized enough. This is because allergies can have a serious impact on your lifestyle. But do you know the difference between an allergy and a sensitivity? To find out more, check out TestMyAllergy and our impressive customer satisfaction rate, we can help you stop the symptoms of your sensitivities and allergies.

When your immune system is continuing to react to a foreign substance it is probably because you have an allergy. Allergens (the cause of your body’s reaction) range from a variety of things, from pollen in the air to our favorite foods. It is important that you know though, as allergies could be fatal, and they can seriously impact on your life. Don’t worry though, if you are displaying these symptoms then you may just have a sensitivity, and these can be managed.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America believe that more Americans than ever say they manage allergies. It is among the country’s most common, but overlooked diseases. So, at TestMyAllergy, we have put together some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, as you seek to find out more about allergy testing and intolerance testing.

Can I get sick from my allergy?

Yes, you can. Allergies are prevalent all across America due to the range of causes and amount of people that can be affected. According to the AAFA, people visit the emergency room about 200,00 times each year because of food allergies, and this isn’t even taking into account that some people are suffering from intolerances. This is why allergy testing and intolerance testing is so important, and TestMyAllergy is always happy to help with regard to finding out your intolerances with our bioresonance testing.

Can coping with an allergy be expensive?

Yes, on both sides of the draw. Having to pick certain foods can be expensive and the AAFA believe that the annual cost of allergies exceeds $18billion.

What is my allergy and how common is it?

If you are experiencing symptoms like lumpy and bumpy skin, skin rashes, hives, and eczema, then you most likely to have an intolerance to a certain item, whether it be something you have touched like poison ivy or poison oak. This is not just an outside thing though, skin contact with cockroaches, dust mites, and even latex could be the cause of your symptoms! So make sure you keep your house tidy and keep any unwanted visitors at bay. If you do this, you could see your symptoms vanish and you will be able to live an allergy-free life. Again, this emphasizes why allergy testing is so important. In 2015, 8.8million children had skin allergies.

What is a food allergy? Is it as common as a skin allergy?

Food allergies are common and are perhaps more important to catch, but you can catch them in children. Allergy testing is important because children have food allergies more often than adults. It is important that you check the ingredients of each product carefully for the most commonly known allergies, including milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish! In 2014, 5.4 percent of US children under age 18 had food allergies.

Lessons Learned

So, in essence, we are keen to tell you how important allergy testing is, and hopefully, you now know that you should find out what your body is intolerant to. It could be a life-changer and help you to become a happier, and healthier you.

If you are interested in taking an Allergy Test, then head over to and have a look around our site. Providing you with advice and explaining our tests in more detail, we think it is important that you learn what your body can tolerate.