food allergen testingYou’ve been struggling when hiking outside. You’ve been unable to attend certain events. You’ve been looking for ways to expand your social life without worrying about how your body will react. It is probably time for you to take an allergy test.

What are allergies?

Allergies are common. Wherever you go in the world, you will have met someone who has an allergy to something. They usually provoke a reaction from some items embedded in the environment. To you, they may seem to be harmless, but they could be a hidden reason behind you feeling unwell. With some severe allergies having an impact on the body, usually coming from food, there are also other conditions which are allergies. Skin irritation and rashes are commonly symptomatic of allergies, but essentially, they all can affect the way we live. The solution: Take an allergy test.

Why take an allergy test?

If you have no idea what you are allergic to, then stocking up on antihistamines can have a more severe impact on your body, as can avoiding the outdoors. Therefore, we at Test My Allergy recommend finding out the exact causes of your symptoms. Your body may become immune to the medication you are taking, meaning that your allergy could become more severe. You may also think you are allergic to the whole outside world, but this is unlikely. Taking an allergy test means you can find out what exact allergy you have, and help you understand how to cope and deal with it.

How do I take an allergy test?

Taking an allergy test is simple with Test My Allergy. We work hard to understand exactly what you are allergic to. To do this, we take a single strand of hair as a sample. From this, we can test allergic sensitivity against over 600 base items, consisting of both food and non-food substances.

Thinking about it? Why not take a look at and find out for yourself? It could open a whole new range of opportunities for you.