vitamin d and an allergy test

Summer cannot come round soon enough. With this Winter seeming to never end, we are longing for the sun to come back into our lives. Therefore, we have decided to do a blog about getting the most out of your health this Summer in the hope that it will bring the sun back to the States. This week it is about the rise in vitamin D deficiency all over the world, as our friends over in Australia have also reported. Here are five ways to get more vitamins into your diet, (and one of them is an allergy test)!

1) The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin with more than one billion people around suffering from a vitamin D deficiency. Now, we are not saying that you should sit in the sun all day because that could be harmful to your health, but the truth is (surprisingly to some!) that a little bit of sun here and there goes a long way to enhance your health. SO, if you catch some rays, you may get vitamin D into your body and your health will improve!

2) Delicious Dairy

A milk allergy or milk intolerance may see you become at risk of a vitamin D deficiency, as well as if you are sticking to a strictly vegan diet. The vitamin is produced by your body in response to your skin being exposed to sunlight, but it is also present naturally in a few dairy products, including fish and egg yolk!

3) Improving your bone strength

In order to get optimum bone strength, vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. There are many symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, including soft bones and bone deficiencies. Consume lots of dairy products which will improve your bone strength and your health. Absorbing lots of calcium and vitamins from milk has often been linked to a healthy immune system.

4) Eat your greens

Remember Popeye? He wasn’t wrong when he constantly told us to eat spinach to improve our strength. This is because spinach is rich in vitamin D and calcium. Make sure you are not intolerant to spinach with an allergy test from Test My Allergy. Fatty fish and cheese are also other sources of vitamin D. We do insist that you make sure you are not intolerant to any of these items by ordering an allergy test today.

5) Drink Fluids

Drinking a wide range of fluids, including orange juice and milk enables to stay hydrated, refreshed and also able to concentrate. Orange juice is also one of your five a day, as well as bursting with vitamin D, so drinking plenty of orange juice will allow you to operate at maximum health.

More information on an allergy test

For more information on an allergy testing and food sensitivities, please log on to and speak to our customer service advisors who are available via LiveChat.