exercise and bloated stomachYep, winter is here and as promised we have delivered our tips to stay healthy during Winter! Whether it is calming your carb cravings, or adding certain items to your diet, you can make sure you enjoy your festive seasons! Check out our top tips for saying goodbye to a bloated stomach below! 

1) Add certain Omega 3 Fatty Acids

This tip has been shared multiple times by us but we cannot emphasize the importance of consuming a balanced diet. Lots of people are put off by the term ‘fatty’, but they are a healthy type of fat, and can be naturally found in many food types, including fish, plant seeds and even nuts! These fats are extremely beneficial, both mentally and physically, so if you do not have a food sensitivity then make sure you introduce foods which contain these acids to improve your health. They are a great boost during the winter! Stop your bloated stomach today!

2) Calm your Carb Cravings

Of course, with winter coming around it gets colder and people become less bothered about cooking properly and the temptation for a quick fix is always there! However, in winter especially, it is so important that all of us across the States work hard to make sure we stay healthy by exercising and eating properly. Drop the comfort foods and clear cupboards, make sure the majority of your meals are made by yourself and you will notice both a physical and mental change. Make sure your meals are packed with protein, especially at the start of the day and you don’t have to resist the temptation to snack, you just have to make sure it is a healthy snack! Drop the carbs and get rid of your bloated stomach!

3) Exercise at Home

With it being colder, there is always a temptation to stay inside and resist that walk or run outside, but it is so important to our adrenaline system and gets the metabolism going. You don’t have to venture outside though, so not to worry! You can work out at home with DVD sessions, weight lifting with music on and of course yoga, which is never a bad thing! There are plenty of options on Social Media for you to follow as well which will help you exercise at home. You can get rid of your bloated stomach by exercising from home.

At Test My Allergy, we love to help you stay healthy and achieve your goals over the festive season, and that is why we provide you with information. Although exercise may work, it is not the only thing, so make sure it is not food intolerances that are causing your symptoms by ordering a test here.