When it comes to enjoying your food-related life, figuring out that you have a food allergy can put a supposed kink in your plans. This is especially so when it comes to an allergic reaction to something common in a lot of food such as dairy. The thing is, you don’t need to change your life when you find out that you have a food allergy. You just need to understand what it means for your eating habits and any details that will need to adjust to allow for it.

When to take a dairy allergy test

If you suspect that you have an allergy, a test is always a great idea. It’s better to know for sure than not to know. However, here are several examples of when you do need to get a dairy allergy test done as soon as you can:

  • Ice cream gives you a stomach ache: A common favourite on a hot summer’s day. Ice cream can give you a serious stomach ache or even cause vomiting if you have an undetected dairy allergy. If you notice a pattern developing, don’t ignore it.
  • Milk makes you break out in hives: Drinking a small glass of milk (or even a large one) shouldn’t create a rash or painful, itchy hives under normal circumstances. If you find this is happening — particularly around the mouth — it’s something to get checked.
  • Yoghurt creates bloody bowel movements: While there are some people who love yoghurt, it’s not everyone’s favourite. However, sometimes, the reason for not liking it may be due to the fact that it can create bloody bowel movements. This is especially popular with infants, as terrifying as it is for parents to discover. Blood in your stool is never something to ignore, of course, but the cause could possibly be a dairy allergy.

What is a dairy allergy?

A dairy allergy, best identified by getting a dairy allergy test done, is when your body sees all dairy products as a threat. This includes milk, cheese, ice cream and other delicious treats that are common favourites. Instead of it simply being another ingredient, your body determines that it is a threat that needs to be destroyed. It will start to attack it, and this creates an allergic reaction.

If you do find out that you have a dairy allergy, it doesn’t mean that you have to miss out. You simply need to find alternatives. An allergy to dairy is actually very common, so you can find lots of alternatives to your typical dairy products. For example, almond milk instead of traditional dairy milk (whether it’s cow’s or goat’s milk or both). It also gives you an excuse to make your own delicious treats at home, which always taste better!

Your food-related life will not have to suffer at the hands of a dairy allergy. Once the dairy allergy test is complete, you’ll be able to move your life into the future with both eyes open and fully informed. That’s half the battle right there. While adjustments will be needed, nothing drastic has to change!