After the test
As soon as we receive your hair sample, we’ll let you know via email: we’re big on communication. Then the testing begins, to find out more about the process, check out the hair testing pages.
We aim to return all hair results within 7–10 working days, however we’re proud to say we’re usually faster than this. You will receive a communication from us the day your sample is received.
Eliminating problem foods in your diet
Our testing suggests what foods you should avoid for any discomfort such as bloating, headaches, nausea or any digestive problems.
You’ll get a full breakdown of results via email which explains all of the items you need to avoid from your diet. We also give you free advice on how to cut these items out, and how to change your life.
24 hour, 7 days a week support
Our professional service provides qualified assistance every step of the way from placing your order, to receiving your test results.
Test My Allergy ensure that we can help you change your life. An allergy or intolerance test from us is the start to a new, brighter future putting your health at the front.
Start the first step in relieving your symptoms.
Take the test today
Call us on +1.310.706.2400 or email for helpful support