Peanut allergies and their symptoms - rule out an intolerance with an intolerance testIf you have only just started an exclusion diet but are not seeing any difference in your symptoms then do not worry, it could be that you are suffering from a food intolerance rather than an allergy. This is because intolerance symptoms can be different in certain individuals and appear up to 72 hours after the offending food has been identified. So, if you are on day three, then you may still be suffering from an intolerance due to the fact that you ate food before your diet even started.  

Unique and individual foods

As each of us are unique and individual, it is very important to remember that a food can make you feel uncomfortable, but this is not necessarily how someone else will feel. Intolerance symptoms appear when you have ingested a certain food, so if you are suffering from a bloated stomach, headaches, or constant fatigue then it could be the food that you are eating. Find out a lot more about tracking your symptoms and ensure you have picked the right test. It may be that you need a test which tests for more items.

Wake up refreshed with no intolerance symptoms

If the mornings have you stuck in zombie mode and you feel like you do not want to get out of bed because of your intolerance symptoms, then these small and simple changes to your routine can make all the difference. If this is the case, then it could be the motivation you need to build a healthier eating diet. This would remove the threat of your intolerance symptoms. and you can become a more mindful eater. An example would be if your intolerance test reveals wheat and dairy on your diet, then you need to evaluate your diet and remove these foods containing these ingredients.

Learn more about your symptoms

If you need to learn more about your intolerances and want to alleviate your symptoms then an intolerance test is what you need. Remove and add certain foods to your diet in order to improve your health and lifestyle.  Make sure before you do your elimination diet that you have a support network ready. If anyone else is suffering from the same symptoms, you can get in touch with them!

Order your test today from Test My Allergy whilst intolerance tests are still on sale!