allergy testing

Having an allergy to your favorite food can be annoying. It can have an impact on almost all our social life. This needs to stop with summer just around the corner. Allergy testing is vital for us to understand our allergies and how we can proceed. We have unleashed on you just some of the signs that you have an allergy below.

Suffering from Headaches?

Ah, if you’re suffering from headaches, you most likely have an allergy to something. Of course, you may just be tired from working hard, but it is always best to check. Constant headaches usually indicate an allergy, and with our allergy testing equipment, we can help you find out the specific cause, driving the headaches away.

Oh no! I feel bloated

Yep, it always happens. Just when we are trying to look our best and impress others, we begin to bloat. Sometimes we have overindulged, but bloating tends to indicate that we have an allergy to an item we have consumed. Our allergy testing process tests over 600 different allergens across food and non-food products, meaning you must worry no longer about the big event bloat!

I don’t feel so good

Stress and anxiety are common causes of stomach cramps and fatigue, but sometimes there is a hidden culprit. Typically, if you have an allergy to a food or non-food item, you may suffer from stomach cramps or fatigue. A lot of us will dismiss it and put it down to working hard or exercise, but it’s likely you have an allergy to a certain product. Make sure you know what your body can tolerate by undergoing an allergy test at Test My Allergy. Remember, Allergy testing is the way forward!

Skin Irritation

Perhaps one of the most common symptoms of an allergy is skin rashes. This, and itchy eyes, usually associated with hay fever can be wildly annoying. We all love to eat our favorite dishes and take hikes in the summer, but if you can’t because of the above reasons, you probably have an allergy. They’re not nice and we struggle to cope with them, but allergy testing can help you determine exactly what you need to do to overcome this.

It never goes away

Be careful not to get mixed up between allergies and intolerances. Allergies tend to be hereditary and you will suffer for life. There are ways to cope with this though. Going through our thorough allergy testing process, you will learn in the future what to look out for, and this should make your life much simpler.